Saturday, November 8, 2008

Dear Baby Jane: C-4

Dear Jane block C-4Block number/name: C-4 “Tic Tac Toe”

Date completed: November 8, 2008

Number of pieces: 37

Notes on block: I think I need to rename this one, “Tic Tac Toe... Doh!” That’s what I get for not paying attention. All I could focus on were the colors I chose (I thought this one might look pretty nifty with 3 colors). By the time I got to the outer white pieces, I wasn’t even paying attention. I guess I figured that they wouldn’t fit if they were wrong. Little did I realize that all those outer angles were equal. As a result, my center is 90° off-kilter.

On the one hand, this block took a long time to put together and it does look kind of cool. On the other hand, it is very different from the original and it’s a smidgen small. This might require a do-over. This is kind of funny to me, because the only other block I’ve done a do-over for thus far is its neighbor, C-3. But I think I'll wait and see how I feel about it in a couple of days.


  1. I'm really impressed with it! Seriously such small pieces, each block must take forever!

  2. Your block with three colour is great and looks fabulous! The center pieces were so small, that I think if I were you I wouldn't do it again. This special block gives your own spirit in this quilt...
