Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One Thing, One Week Challenge :: 6 Alas!

Amy's Creative Side

Well. I'm afraid I don't have much to report with regards to my One Thing, One Week Challenge goal from last week. I'm afraid events got the better of me... preschool meetings, husband's crazy work hours, Big Bear's birthday party (he's 4 today!!!!), and a cold (*sniffle*). Not much quiltin' goin' on here.

But, lots of other people were able to make their goals, and I take heart in that. If they can get it done, maybe next time I will too. :)


  1. Your life has priorities, no worries!!

    Happy Birthday, Big Bear!! :) Can't believe he's 4 already!!

  2. You are allowed a week or two off :)

  3. Hope you get to feeling better soon. It is that time of year.
