Monday, January 26, 2015

A Skylanders Birthday!

Big Bear turned 8 on Sunday! This year he wanted to celebrate with a Skylanders-themed party. So, of course, mama had to get her craft on!

His favorite Skylander character is Gill Grunt, so I made a poster. I started by tracing a coloring page image of Gill Grunt onto posterboard using my neighbor's nifty projector:

line drawing of Gill Grunt

Then I used acrylic paints and filled him with color:

using acrylics to paint a Gill Grunt poster

Here he is all painted up:

painting complete

Finally, I finished him up by using a Sharpie to do the lettering and outline of the image:

completed Gill Grunt poster

While the paint alone looked okay, I think the outlining gives it a nice, finished look.

There had to be a Skylanders cake:

birthday cake featuring Skylanders element symbols

The symbols on the top represent the ten elements featured in the game. I mixed and piped 11 different colors of icing, which was time consuming, but the effect was worth it. I didn't have room to actually write "Happy Birthday" on the top after doing the elements, so I just put his name and the big "8".

We played two games-- Twister and Bingo. With my husband's help, we created a Skylanders-themed bingo game for the kids to play. I found a bunch of images, sized and edited them. Then he wrote a program to create 5x5 bingo cards that would all be unique. Here's a sample:

sample bingo card

So cool!!! Then I went and had them printed out for the party.

Big Bear playing some bingo

The game was a hit!

woo! snacks!

Balloons, snacks, games, more snacks, cake, presents... it was a fun party.

Here's the birthday boy holding his Gill Grunt figure in front of his new poster.

The birthday boy posing with his Gill Grunt figure in front of a Gill Grunt poster

I just love that smile!

Happy birthday, Big Bear!!!


  1. The stuff looks GREAT!! I'm sure he loved it!!
    Happy Birthday Big Bear! (Man he's getting so big!!)

  2. Very cool! He's lucky to have such a talented mom.

  3. He is so cute and you sure do know how to throw a great party.
