Saturday, February 28, 2009

Another finish!

Shark-Filled Waters is done! I completed it just in time for the Project Linus workshop tomorrow.

Shark-Filled Waters, front view
I used the Quick Strippie pattern from It was perfect for showcasing this fabulous shark print. I'm really happy not only with how quickly it came together, but also with the overall look.

Shark-Filled Waters, quilting detail
Here you can see the quilting a little better. I stitched-in-the-ditch between all the bars. Then I free-motion quilted the wave pattern in the light blue sections using a King Tut variegated thread (so pretty!). Finally, I went through and did some random outline stitching through each of the shark sections (again with the variegated thread).

Shark-Filled Waters, back view
The back is entirely unexciting, but here it is. I just used some fabric I had in my stash.

Shark-Filled Waters, label
And here is the label.

I'm excited to turn it in tomorrow. I really hope that it will help bring some comfort to a child in need.


  1. Simple and beautiful. It is sure to be a favorite of the recipient. I really need to practice machine quilting. I love how you outlined the sharks.

  2. Very cool, Robin! My sister was a recipient of a couple Project Linus blankets when her son was at Children's hospital with meningitis. She found it comforting to know that 'strangers' cared and were thinking about them. Though her son was too small to enjoy them at the time, those blankets are now a favorite of his! --Kristi

  3. That turned out cute. I need to try free motion quilting on day. I just need to get brave enough. lol

  4. That's perfect! I like how you didn't cut the shark print up too much.

  5. That looks great, Robin! I'm sad I don't get to see it in person, but good job for you getting it done so quickly!! :-)

  6. Your quilt turned out really neat. And that pattern really highlights the fabric. Love your label too.
