Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A fresh start

Because I don't have enough other projects to keep me entertained (ha!), I've started up a new one. Really though, I'm feeling weighed down by my surplus of large, complicated projects, and want something smaller and more manageable (and, dare I say it: finishable!). Besides, I have a friend with a baby on the way who's gonna need a quilt!

The project:
Criss Cross Quilt by Lisnaweary Quilts for Moda Bake Shop.

The fabric:
Whimsy by Fig Tree Quilts for Moda + Kona cotton Snow.

fabric: cut and ready
It is all cut out and ready to be stitched. This is my first attempt at using a Moda Bake Shop "recipe" and I've already experienced some frustration. My preference is to do all of my major cutting up front, and then stitch. I like doing it this way because it feels more efficient and because my cutting space and my sewing space are not one and the same (meaning I have to get up and go somewhere else whenever I want to do any big cutting). Anyway-- because of this, I really prefer my instructions to have cutting directions grouped together in one section so I can do it all at once. In this particular set of instructions they are not.

It's a small thing and truly a matter of personal preference, but having been sleep deprived for more than a year, parsing out the cutting stuffs actually ended up being kind of a pain for me and resulted in a couple of (fortunately not irreparable) mistakes. Hopefully I'll do better with the stitching part! :)


  1. it looks like this is going to be really cute! I agree with you about the cutting instructions. I would much rather do all the cutting at once and have the instructions all up front then do the cutting in pieces, or have to search through the pattern several times to make sure I got everything I needed to cut. I don't have to walk far to my cutting area, but I hate having to stop piecing to go cut something else.

  2. Such cute fabric. I hope it will be a fun and quick project for you. And I really hope you get caught up on sleep!

  3. Looks like it'll be a cute project. Sleep deprivation always seems to cause trouble at the strangest times.

  4. Love the fabrics!! Agree with the cutting!! I think that if your cutting and sewing area are together it might not be such a big deal, but mine are also not in the same room (My cutting board lives on my dining room table under a table cloth) and wow is it so convenitent to get it all out of the way!!
    Can't wait to see the finished project!

  5. I love Whimsy.
    I agree. I prefer to cut ahead of time.

  6. I am with you, I like to cut all at once!
